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Tenterden Walk and Talk Health Plus Walk Every Tuesday morning 9.45am for a 10am start

Posted on Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Tuesday January 102023 10:00 AM
Tuesday January 172023 10:00 AM
Tuesday January 242023 10:00 AM 
Tuesday January 312023 10:00 AM
Tuesday February 72023 10:00 AM
Tuesday February 142023 10:00 AM
Tuesday February 212023 10:00 AM
Tuesday February 282023 10:00 AM

Why is walking the perfect activity for health?

  • Almost everyone can do it
  • You can do it anywhere and anytime
  • It's a chance to make new friends
  • It's free and you don't need special equipment
  • You can start slowly and build up gently.

Walking can:

  • Make you feel good
  • Give you more energy
  • Reduce stress and help you sleep better
  • Keep your heart strong and reduce blood pressure
  • Help you manage your weight.

Tenterden Walk and Talk Health Plus Walk Every Tuesday morning 9.45am for a 10am start

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